Monday, April 22, 2013

Anti-Christian Christianity

Slowly I'm coming to realize that my problem with Christianity is not the religion.  It's not the story of Jesus himself.  It's not the fact that the matter of biblical canonization was... questionable.  It has little to do with the fact that there are so many different versions of the bible, that you really need a BA in history to fully understand what the reasons are behind each.  Nor is it the fact that there are so many different denominations of the Christian religion across the world that practice in such different ways that it's hard to say, in today's world, what Christianity truly is.  The real reason I have a problem with Christianity is... Christians.

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Ghandi. 

Don't get me wrong, I have known some fantastic folks who follow Jesus.  In fact some of my best friends are very devout Christians.  However, the majority of Christians in America, in this day and age, certainly appear to miss some of the things that I consider explicitly defined in the text of the bible we have.

I firmly believe that the Jesus in the bible, living today, would support social programs and universal healthcare.  He would not deny happiness of anyone. While he would know if it were a choice for them, in absence of that knowledge he'd still give the benefit of a doubt - instead of assuming they were "choosing" to be ridiculed and different.  He would not fill his closet with furs and hang gold and diamonds from his ears and neck.  He would not drive a car that costs more than a minimum wage worker's annual salary.

Unfortunately, I feel that many of today's Christians would disagree with me on all of the points above.  Regardless of the fact their most important book, the Holy Bible, the supposedly infallible word of God, would tell them to take their riches and give them away to receive their reward in heaven.  It saddens me that we live in a world filled with the self-righteous and pious who would besmirch and bastardize something as good and pure as the teachings of Christ.  However, I guess that is the way it has always been, and will continue to be.

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